Flame Assist 2008 64 Bit Free Download
Canon U.S.A.You may obtain technical support** for your Product as follows:E-mail support via our Web site at www.canontechsupport.comTelephone assistance from a Canon U.S.A. Customer Care representative free of charge during regular business hours at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666)
Flame Assist 2008 64 bit free download
Canon CanadaYou may obtain technical support* for your Product as follows:Telephone assistance from a Canon Canada Customer Care representative free of charge during regular business hours at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666)When you call, have your Product serial number and your date of purchase available to expedite service. A Canon Customer Care representative will attempt to diagnose the nature of the problem and correct it over the telephone. If the problem cannot be corrected over the telephone, you will be asked to follow the applicable procedures for MAIL-IN SERVICE. Note that a dated proof of purchase is required at the time of service. This requirement will be satisfied by providing a copy of your dated bill of sale. 350c69d7ab